As a group we brain stormed ideas for a mural and each of us proposed drawings, and we settled on Sue's design. Then, we worked with colors. We tried many options until we were pleased with the choices. Next step involved looking for a suitable wall in Murphysboro, and obtain the necessary authorizations to implement the plan. The wall will be on the west side of the Logan Gallery, on Edith Street facing 17th Street, in the historic district of the city.
Sue is tracing the pattern on the metal sheet.
Mark is cutting the pieces from the metal sheet, work that we appreciate, because none of us could do it. Thanks Mark!!!
Metal pieces were cut and sanded by Mark at his shop. He also applied the primer on the pieces. Next session, on Saturday morning, the whole group started painting the first coat of color. Pictures taken while working. (Nice shop Mark!!!)
The mural, created and designed by Sue, started taking material shape in the recent past. We used the expertise of Chris De Shazo, a well known muralist, to pick the best materials (settled on metal). We painted the pieces, then varnished them. When the mural was ready the next step was to hang it on the west-facing exterior wall of the old printing plant (on the corner of Edith St. and 17th St in Murphysboro, IL). Sue, and Mark figuring out how to transfer the idea of scupltural mural to reality. Cathy and Stephanie join the team the day of the installation. By the end of the afternoon, on June 15th, the mural was pleasantly transforming the space around it, providing the environment with colorful and harmonious shapes. From that moment on, a project that was ours for several months now belonged to everybody.
The thinking
June 19th, 2023 The unveiled
Thanks for attending
First picture after installation
Mayor of Murphysboro Will Stephens
On June 19th at 5:30 pm we unveiled the Mural called "Creativity". We express our appreciation to our sponsor, Revitalize 62966, the Logan Museum per Mike Jones director, Chris De Shazo, Mark and Sue Gindlesparger and Stephanie Dillard, Cathy Smidth, Darby Ortolano, Madeline Steimle, and Luca Cruzat, the last six members of the Oak Street Art collective. All were present to celebrate the completion of our gift to the community.